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Can Anyone Join TexLUG: Austin?

We welcome members of all ages and builders of all skill levels. We do ask that those under 18 be accompanied by an adult at all times.

What is an AFOL?

A.F.O.L. stands for "Adult Fan of LEGO®" and is an 18+ years old LEGO® fan who actively participates in the community either online, through a LUG (LEGO User Group, in this case TexLUG: Austin) and/or by going to community driven events. The term AFOL originates in the community and is not created by The LEGO® Group. 

Can Anyone Join?

We welcome members of all ages and builders of all skill levels. We do ask that those under 18 be accompanied by an adult at all times.

How do I join?
As far as how to join, we are pretty loose. If you show up to a meeting, then you are considered a member. There are benefits and prizes to showing up to more meetings, helping us with shows, and building MOCs... but none of that is required to be a member.
How Much Does It Cost?
There is no cost associated with joining or maintaining a membership.


Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
The type of plastic from which LEGO® is made


Adult Fan of LEGO®
Refers to fans 18+ years of age


Ben Rollman
A member of our LUG who represents the group to the LEGO® community


Bottom Connectors
The indentations on the bottoms of bricks, plates and tiles into which the studs will connect


Armored Personnel Carrier
A vehicle used in modern warfare


Building Instructions
Can refere to digital or physical instructions


Larger Vignette
A scene that is larger than a vignette, but smaller than a diorama


Town in Denmark
LEGO® Headquarters, Design center and where LEGO® was created

Bram Sphere

A LEGO® sphere of any size developed by Bram Lambrecht


Any LEGO® Piece
An all encompassing term for any LEGO® piece, cubic in design and 3+ plates in height, in any shape or color

Brick Built

LEGO® Creation
A creation which is made of bricks as opposed to using molded pieces

eBay for LEGO® is an online marketplace for buyers & sellers who specialize in LEGO® sets & pieces. Bricklink is now owned by LEGO®

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AFOL: Adult Fan of LEGO®TFOL: Teen Fan of LEGO®KFOL: Kid Fan of LEGO®COLA: Companion of LEGO® Addict